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Luminol Reagent




Western Blotting Chemiluminescence Luminol Reagent


Cat #:  SC-2048 / Quantity 125ml (각 A,B Solution)




Santa Cruz Biotechnology Inc.의 "Luminol" Reagent는 기존에 사용하시던 ECL kit를 대체 할 수 있는 Western Blotting Chemiluminescence용 시약입니다.




관련제품 Blotto, non-fat dry milk sc-2325 blocking reagent Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) sc-2323 blocking reagent Cruz Blot-A sc-3901 Western Blotting membrane with human cell line extracts 50 µg protein/lane Cruz Blot-B sc-3902 Western Blotting membrane with human cell line extracts 50 µg protein/lane Cruz Blot-C sc-3903 Western Blotting membrane with human cell line extracts 50 µg protein/lane Cruz Blot-D sc-3904 Western Blotting membrane with human cell line extracts 50 µg protein/lane Cruz Blot-E sc-3905 Western Blotting membrane with human cell line extracts 50 µg protein/lane Cruz Blot-F sc-3906 Western Blotting membrane with human cell line extracts 50 µg protein/lane Cruz Blot-G sc-3907 Western Blotting membrane with human cell line extracts 50 µg protein/lane Cruz Blot-H sc-3908 Western Blotting membrane with human cell line extracts 50 µg protein/lane Nitrocellulose- 0.22 µm sc-3718 WB membrane 30cm x 3m roll PVDF-0.45 µm sc-3723 WB membrane 30cm x 3m roll TBS Blotto A sc-2333 blocking reagent TBS Blotto B sc-2335 blocking reagent

    관리자 DATE   2016-12-28 17:17:50
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